Changing the game in the vegan industry wth Ming Tsai

Watch Episode 44 with Ming Tsai

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Meet Ming Tsai; Founder of MingsBings.

A chef of over 40 years, Ming has been inspiring home cooks for over 24 years on television PLUS a restaurateur, cookbook author, James Beard award winner, Emmy Award winner, and has hosted some of the longest-running cooking show on PBS. As a culinary & cultural pioneer of East meets West cuisine, he’s led the way for a creative, thoughtful, delicious blending of flavors, temperatures, and textures while trailblazing a path for a generation of chefs. Wet your appetite with this vegan pioneer who continues to change the game in the vegan industry.

MingsBings Founder Ming Tsai highlights and discusses: 

  • How food is medicine for the body and soul.
  • Choosing the right foods that can support your immune system, and lower inflammation helps support a longer and fuller life. 
  • How culture, family, and restaurant training created loyalty and passion in his successful career. 

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Michelle Dennedy brought us an incredibly insightful interview with her impressive business history. She discusses the importance of bravery and how this will lay the path of everything

you need in business. Michelle shares her story of why she wasn’t able to be herself at home and the story of how her kids “walked through the fire with her”.


On this interview you will learn:
– The importance of looking at the people who are propelling your career
– Preparing and planning for when things go wrong
– Understanding culture
– What the business world expects of women
– Being judged as a women raising money
– The power of stopping the ??? at the end of your statements (hesitancy)
– A POWERFUL secret that will vastly improve your leadership
– What it takes to be a Vice-President of a company
– The reality of rising through the ranks of a company (Game Of Thrones-esque battles)
– The 3 L’s of Leadership
– Critical secrets to partnerships